
let them call you weed

plant in the wrong place

unwanted and wild

undesired and ruderal

but you will show them

during daylight hours of the sun

the colors of your bloom


they will eat your leaves

and drink your wine

dining on your essence

in celebration of your life


and when your time comes to a close

you will be the one

they whisper all their deepest yearnings

in the blow of your seedlings

you will be barer of wishes come true

and ensure that they will see you again

following next spring rain



even if

never again

to see you, my muse,

you will always be part of me

maybe it better I only remember you

creating you through lines of prose and poem

without the touch of real gracing my skin

just a fairy’s imprint left on my heart

one to always return

a call of inspiration



if I could choose

I would risk losing your print

to have a day of real

grazes and gazes

feeling your hand on mine at meal’s end

hearing your voice across room’s way

watching you dress in morning’s light

telling your eyes my heart’s truth

knowing that subtle stamp,

misty impression, would be no more

because from that day

to the day of forevers

you would be infinitely

engraved in me